KW9M Eco-POWER METER60Write dataIt is available only with pressing key (programming key).Without pressing programming key, it doesn’t response.For data writing, authorization level (PA0) should be designated, but only ‘0’ is supported.For workers code, it doesn’t record and the code is fixed to ‘0’.・Command from master; Control code 14HData length (L); Byte count of data identification + Byte count of password authorization level +Byte count of password + Byte count of workers code + Byte count of data to write68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 14H LTransmission address(A0 to A5 or AAH) Control code⇒continueDI0 DI1 DI2 DI3 PA P0 P1 P2⇒continue Data identification Authorization level(33H fix)Password(P2:33H fix)⇒continueC0 C1 C2 C3 N1 ・・・ Nm CS 16H⇒continue Workers code (33H fix) Writing data・Response from slave (normal)68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 94H 00H CS 16HWrite transmission addressIt writes the transmission address (device number). It is available only when master and slave is 1:1.Without pressing programming key, it doesn’t response.・Command from master; Control code 15H68H AAH AAH AAH AAH AAH AAH 68H 15H 06HTransmission address (AAH fix) Control code⇒continueA0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 CS 16H⇒continue Transmission address to write slave(Add 33H to transmission address value)・Response from slave (normal)68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 95H 00H CS 16HNew transmission address*No response when slave is abnormal.