KW9M Eco-POWER METER62Reset integral powerIt reset all integral power.For reset integral power, workers code should be designated, but it doesn’t record and the code isfixed to ‘0’. It is available only with pressing key (programming key).・Command from master; control code 1AH68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 1AH 08HTransmission address Control code⇒continuePA P0 P1 P2⇒continue Authorization level (33H fix) Password (P2: 33H fix)⇒continueC0 C1 C2 C3 CS 16H⇒continue Workers code (33H fix)・Response from slave (normal)68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 9AH 00H CS 16HAbnormal command from slaveControl code (C); C0H (Response from slave is abnormal.)+ Control code when error occurs.68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H C 01H ERR 16HControl code Error code(bit flag)Bit flag ContentsBit 7 Not supportBit 6 Not supportBit 5 Not supportBit 4 Not supportBit 3 Impossible to change transmission speedBit 2 Password mistakeBit 1 No request dataContents oferror codeBit 0 Other errorsConditions for no responseWith the below conditions, slave doesn’t response.・Parity error・CS error・Data length (L) doesn’t match byte count.・Error at write or read of transmission address・Not press programming key ( key)Programming keyProgramming key is key.With every display, it is possible to change the settings only when pressing key.