KW9M Eco-POWER METER61Change transmission speedIt changes the transmission speed after it returns the response.・Command from master; Control code 17H68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 17H 01H Z CS 16HTransmission address Control code Transmission speed(bit flag)bit Transmission speed [bps]Bit 7 38400Bit 6 19200Bit 5 9600Bit 4 4800Bit 3 2400Bit 2 1200Bit 1 空きTransmission speed(bit flag)Bit 0 空き・Response from slave (normal)68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 97H 01H Z CS 16HTransmission address Transmission speed(bit flag)Change passwordIt changes password.It is available only with pressing key (programming key).Without pressing programming key, it doesn’t response.For changing password, authorization level (PA0) should be designated, but only ‘0’ is supported.・Command from master; Control code 18H68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 18H 0CHTransmission address Control code⇒continueDI0 DI1 DI2 DI3 PA P0 P1 P2⇒Continue34 3F 33 37(Add 33H to 01 0C 00 04)(Only ”0” is supported.)Designate authorizationlevel (33H fix)Designate the presentpassword (P2: 33H fix)⇒continuePAn P0n P1n P2n CS 16H⇒continue Authorization level for passwordto change (33H fix)New password(P2n: 33H fix)・Response from slave (normal)68H A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 68H 18H 04HTransmission address⇒continuePAn P0n P1n P2n CS 16HAuthorization level for changedpassword (33H fix)Changed password(P2n: 33H fix)