English28ASPECT ControlsPress or repeatedly tomove through the aspect options:MENU ENTERINPUT + -Unit[4:3] → [Zoom1] → [Zoom2] → [16:9]Note● The aspect mode is memorised separately for eachinput terminal.● When input from USB, the aspect mode is fixed to[16:9].■ List of Aspect ModesAspect mode Description16:9Picture EnlargedscreenPictures are displayed filling thescreen.4:3Pictures are displayed in the 4:3area. Pictures with a 4:3 aspect ratioare displayed as is. PC signals areenlarged or reduced to be displayedin the 4:3 area. Side panels aredisplayed both at the right and leftedges of the screen.Pictures with a 4:3 aspect ratio in16:9 signals are displayed with theiroriginal aspect ratio. The left and rightedges of the pictures are masked byside panels.Aspect mode DescriptionZoom1 Letterbox pictures with a 16:9 aspectratio are enlarged vertically to fill thescreen. The top and bottom edges ofthe pictures are cut off.Zoom2 Letterbox pictures with a 16:9 aspectratio are enlarged vertically andhorizontally to fill the screen. The topand bottom edges as well as the leftand right edges of the pictures arecut off.Note● Do not allow the picture to be displayed in 4:3mode for an extended period, as this can cause apermanent image retention to remain on the DisplayPanel.● Be aware that if you put the display in a public placefor commercial purposes or a public showing andthen use the aspect mode select function to shrinkor expand the picture, you may be violating thecopyright under copyright law. It is prohibited to showor alter the copyrighted materials of other people forcommercial purposes without the prior permission ofthe copyright holder.● In [ENGLISH(US)] OSD language, [16:9] is displayedas [FULL]. PreviousNext |