4-60 2 0 0 0 - A 2 - G B 2 2 - 0 0NOTICE: You must reset the IAD (page 2-8) after configuring the IAD as a DHCPServer for the configuration changes to take effect.Enable/Disable DHCP ServerWhen you enable DHCP Server, the IAD sequentially displays and processesthe required configuration commands beginning with Enable DHCP Server.To enable or disable DHCP Server, follow the steps below:1 Type “C” on the DHCP Server Configuration menu to select Enable/Disable DHCP. If DHCP Relay is enabled, the IAD prompts you to disableDHCP Relay because DHCP Server and DHCP Relay cannot be configuredat the same time. If DHCP Relay is not enabled, the IAD prompts you toenable or disable DHCP server.2 Type “E” to enable DHCP Server, to type “D” to disable DHCP Server andproceed to Step 1 in the next section.Enable/Disable Checking Additional DHCP ServersWhen the IAD boots, you may configure the internal DHCP server to checkfor additional DHCP servers on the LAN. If an external DHCP server isdiscovered, the IAD-based DHCP service is disabled. To enable or disablechecking for external DHCP servers, follow the steps below.1 Type “D” DHCP Server Configuration menu to select Enable/DisableChecking for Additional DHCP Servers. The IAD prompts you to enable/disable Checking for Additional DHCP Servers.2 Type “E” to enable checking, or D to disable checking.3 Proceed to Step 1 under Configuring DHCP Server Parameters below.Enable/Disable DHCP Debug MessagesThe commands in option “B” on the DHCP Server Configuration menu arereserved for use by Paradyne network engineers.Configure DHCP Server Parameters1 Type “I” on the DHCP Server Configuration menu, or continue from theChecking Additional DHCP Servers section above. The IAD displays thegateway address and prompts you to enter a new one.2 Type the IP address of the gateway and press Enter. If there is no gatewayavailable, type the address of the Ethernet port. The IAD displays thecurrent DNS Server address and prompts you to enter a new DNS Server IPaddress.3 Type the new DNS Server address, or type to use aDNS Server assigned from another port. Press Enter to continue. The IAD