R e p o r t s 5-17IP Header Compression Statistics ReportThis report is available when ATM PVC Encapsulation Type RFC 1483 isselected, an IP address is assigned and IP Header Compression is enabled onthe ATM Interface.Tx Bytes Total data transmitted in bytes.Tx Discarded No. of discarded transmitting cells due to:-Could not allocation internal cell buffer-Cells Overflow (the internal queue for storing the cellreaches it maximum size)-Connection is not established/closed-Transmitting frame is empty-size of frame is larger than the PDU size.Tx OverFlow Transmitted Cells Overflow. The internal SARtransmitting queue for storing the cell reached itsmaximum size (64), so it can not hold more outgoingcell).Tx UnderFlow Out of cells for transmit. Internal cell buffer could notbe allocated for transmitting cells.Tx Inactive Discarded Transmitted Cells because the connection isnot established | disconnected | closed.Rx Inactive Discarded Received Cells because connection notestablished | disconnected | closed.CRC 32 Errors The size AAL5 only. CRC-32 header checksum in is wrong.Reassembly Timeouts No. of SAR reassembly timeouts. Frames could not bereassembling and discarded.Frames too Long Frame size is larger than the max. size of PDU.Parameter DescriptionMissed TCP contexts No. of times search didn't find a TCP stream.Missed RTP context No. of times search didn't find an RTP stream.Sent Packet InformationCompressed TCP packetssentNo. of compressed TCP packets sent.Compressed UDP packetsSentNo. of compressed UDP packets sent.Compressed RTP packetsSentNo. of compressed RTP packets sent.FULL_HEADER packetsSentNo. of FULL_HEADER packets sent.CONTEXT_STATE packetssentNo. of CONTEXT TATE packets sent.Parameter Description