4-72 2 0 0 0 - A 2 - G B 2 2 - 0 0Under normal circumstances, the port range default setting is adequate.However, if you interact with products including multiple-player IP games orvideo conferencing, you need to configure the port range setting.To multiplex several connections to a single destination, the IAD assigns allpackets unique port numbers. Each IP packet starts with a header that containthe source and destination addresses, as well as two port numbers. Theaddresses specify the two routers at each end, while the two port numbersensure the unique identification of each router pair.When the IAD sends TCP or UDP connection from a local port to an Internetport, it changes the sent IP address to the address of the Internet port.Similarly, it changes the TCP or UDP connection port number to a uniquevalue within the NAT port range.You can display the NAT settings with the Display NAT Local Server Tablecommand.NOTICE: Ensure that the NAT port range does not include any ports that useapplications such as HTTP, TFTP, and so on.To configure the NAT port range, follow the steps below:1 Type “R” on the NAT Configuration menu to select the Configure NATPort Range. The IAD displays the low-end port range and prompts you toenter a Low-end value.2 Type the Low-end value and press Enter. The IAD displays the High-endport range and prompts you to enter a value.Enter High End of NAT Port Range (50000..65534): (50000)3 Type the High-end value and press Enter. The IAD saves the configurationand displays the NAT Configuration menu.4 Continue with other NAT configuration tasks, or press Escape to return tothe Main menu.Configure NAT Local Server EntryTo configure the NAT local server entry, follow the steps below:1 Type “N” on the NAT Configuration menu to select Configure NAT LocalServer Entry. The IAD prompts you to enter a NAT Local Server.2 Type the number of the Local Server entry and press Enter. The IADdisplays the current IP address and prompts you to enter a new one.Type the local server translated IP address and press Enter. The IAD displaysthe Protocol Configuration menu. The protocol may be unknown, or it may beset.