4-76 2 0 0 0 - A 2 - G B 2 2 - 0 0Display NAT Local Server TableWhen NAT is enabled, you can display the entries in the local server table.1 To display the table, type “O” on the NAT Configuration menu.2 Press any key to return to the NAT Configuration menu.Display NAT Alias TableWhen NAT is enabled, you can display the entries in the NAT alias table. Todisplay the table, type “E” on the NAT Configuration menu. Press any key toreturn to the NAT Configuration menu.Delete IP Address from NAT TablesTo delete an entry from the NAT Tables, follow the steps below.Type TCP or UDPSeconds since use Idle time in seconds for the connectionTCP/UDP Sequence TCP sequence numberAck TCP ack numberState TCP state number (TCP only)Retrys: local, foreign: local—TCP retransmissions from local device to foreigndevice.foreign—TCP retransmissions from foreign device tolocal device.Bad checksum: local,foreignlocal—packets with bad TCP checksums from localdevice.foreign—packets with bad TCP checksums from foreigndevice.Report Entry DescriptionEntry Table entry numberLocal IP Address IP address in useLocal Port local port numberInternet Port Internet port numberProtocol The protocol used—TCP or UDPReport Entry DescriptionEntry number Table entry number (1 to 7)Local IP Address Local, or LAN IP addressInternet IP Address Internet IP address assignedReport Entry Description