T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g a n d D i a g n o s t i c s 7-32 Type “Y” to enable automatic line connection. The IAD informs you thetest has started. Proceed to step 6.− or −Type “N” to connect two specific ports. The IAD prompts you for the firstport.3 Type the port and press Enter. The IAD prompts for the second port.4 Type the port and press Enter. The IAD informs you that the lines areconnected and the test is started:Lines 1 and 2 are connected togetherLines 3 and 4 are connected togetherLines 5 and 6 are connected togetherLines 7 and 8 are connected togetherHotline test started5 Press Escape to terminate the test. The IAD terminates the test and displaysthe POTS Diagnostics menu.Ring TestThe ring test verifies that the POTS device attached may be rung by the IAD.To perform a ring test, follow the steps below.1 Type “R” on the POTS Diagnostics menu to select Ring Test. The IADdisplays this prompt:Ring all lines? (YN or ESC):2 Enter “Y” to proceed, or “N” or Escape to abort and return to the menu.THe IAD displays this prompt:Ring lines concurrently or sequentially? (CS orESC):3 Enter “C” (concurrent), “S” (sequential), or Escape.4 Listen for the rings to occur, and press Escape to terminate the test. TheIAD terminates the test and displays the menu.Ring TestThe ring test rings all voice port lines either simultaneously or individually, insequence. To perform a ring test, follow the steps below.1 Type “R” on the POTS Diagnostics menu to select Ring Test. The IADdisplays the following prompt:Ring all lines? (YN or ESC): y2 Type “Y” to test all lines.− or −Type “N” to test a specific line. The IAD prompts you for the port numberand prompts you to perform the test sequentially or concurrently: