A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 3-191 Type “C” on the File System menu. The IAD prompts you for the name ofthe source file.2 Type the name of the existing file (including the suffix) and press Enter.The IAD prompts you for the name of the new file.The IAD copies and saves the file with the new name. When the operation iscomplete, the IAD displays the File System menu.Rename FileTo rename a file, follow the steps below.1 Type “R” on the File System menu. The IAD prompts you for the name ofthe file to rename.2 Type the new name of the file (including the suffix) and press Enter. TheIAD prompts you for the name of the new file.The IAD renames the file with the new file name. When the operation iscomplete, press any key to display the File System menu.CAUTION: Renaming files is permanent, and may render the IAD inoperative orunable to boot.Delete FileTo permanently remove a file, follow the steps below.1 Type “X” on the File System menu. The IAD prompts you for the name ofthe file to delete.2 Type the name of the file (including the suffix) and press Enter.The IAD deletes the file. When the operation is complete, the IAD displaysthe File System menu.CAUTION: Deleting files is permanent, and may render the IAD inoperative orunable to boot.Format File System DriveReformatting the file system permanently removes all files in the IAD. Thiscommand is reserved for use by network engineers.WARNING:The Format File System command is reserved for use by networkengineers. Use of this command permanently erases every file in the IAD,rendering it inoperative.