R e p o r t s 5-21NOTICE: The commands that display on the Media Statistics menu vary, based onthe WAN module and configuration of the IAD. In the sample below, theIAD is configured for ATM.Figure 5.6 Media Statistics Menu (Sample)To display a specific report, enter the option. For detailed information abouteach report in the Media Statistics menu, or for information on how to clearnetwork statistics, proceed to the appropriate section below.Display ATM Statistics This report displays basic ATM transport statistics at the cell level for allports and PVCs.Field DescriptionThe link has been up for Xhours X minutes X secondsTotal time for the current time has been established.Cells Rx No. of valid ATM cells received.CLPI Rx No. of cells received with CLPI (Cell Loss PriorityIndication) bit is on.OAM Rx No. of OAM (Operation And Maintenance) cellsreceived.EFCI Rx No. of cells received with EFCI (Explicit ForwardCongestion Indication) bit is on.RM Rx No. of RM (Resource Management) cells received.Rx Cells Discarded No. of received packets discarded due to:- Unknown VPI/VCI numbers- Bad Cell headers- Size of cells received is larger than PDU size- other reasons as required.Cells Tx No. of valid ATM cell sent.OAM Tx No. of cells transmitted with CLPI (Cell Loss PriorityIndication) bit is on.CLPI Tx No. of OAM (Operation And Maintenance) cellstransmitted.EFCI Tx No. of cells transmitted with EFCI (Explicit ForwardCongestion Indication) bit is on.RM Tx No. of RM (Resource Management) cells transmitted.Rx HEC Errors No. of cells receives with HEC errors in the header.