Setting up Compax3 C3F_T40150 192-121102 N04 June 20084.3.5.1 Motion objects in Compax3The motion objects in Compax3 describe the active motion set.The motion objects can be influenced via different interfaces.The following table describes the correlations:active motion objects Compax3 device==> describeSource<== read==> With the "accept entry" button. The current project gets a motion set.Download by activating the motionSet-up(working with the commissioningwindow) <== When opening the commisisoningwindow of a new project for the firsttime. Activated via the "Upload settingsfromdevice" button (bottom at the leftside).==> C3IxxT11: via an activated motion set C3I2xT11: via a configurationdownloadCompax3 ServoManager project<== For Compax3 I2xT11: via a configuration upload in the commissioning window via"accept configuration"==> Changing the motion objects directlyFieldbus (Compax3 I2xTxx) <== Reading the motion objectsIEC61131-3 program(Compax3 IxxT30, IxxT40)==> via positioning modulesActive motionobjects Position [O1111.1] Speed [O1111.2] Acceleration[O1111.3] Deceleration[O1111.4] jerk* [O1111.5](Acceleration) Jerk* [O1111.6](Deceleration)* for IxxT11 -devices, both jerkvalues are identical4.3.6. ProfileViewer for the optimization of the motion profileIn this chapter you can read about:Mode 1: Time and maximum values are deduced from Compax3 input values..............151Mode 2: Compax3 input values are deduced from times and maximum values ..............151You will find the ProfileViewer in the Compax3 ServoManager under the "Tools"Menu: