Parker EME Motion control192-121102 N04 June 2008 1795.6.2. Absolute positioning (MC_MoveAbsolute)FB name MC_MoveAbsoluteAbsolute positioning to a specified position.VAR_IN_OUTAxis INT Axis-ID (library constants)VAR_INPUTExecute BOOL Starts the sequences of the module with positive edgePosition REAL Absolute target position of the movement to be executed(configured unit [Units] ) (positive and negative direction) (see page Fehler! Textmarke nichtdefiniert.)Velocity REAL Value of the maximum speed (always positive) (notnecessarily reached) (see page Fehler!Textmarke nicht definiert.)[Units/s]Acceleration DINT Value of acceleration (always positive) [Units/s²] range> (see page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)Deceleration DINT Value of deceleration (always positive) [Units/s²] range> (see page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)Jerk DINT Value of the acceleration jerk (see page 183) [Units/s³](always positive) (see page Fehler!Textmarke nicht definiert.)JerkDecel DINT Value of deceleration jerk [Units/s³] (always positive) (see page Fehler! Textmarke nichtdefiniert.)VAR_OUTPUTDone BOOL Specified setpoint position on the setpoint generator outputis reachedCommandAborted BOOL Positioning abortedError BOOL Error while executing moduleNote: - If a SuperImposed movement is started during an absolute movement, theabsolute position is not accessed, but the absolute position plus the positionentered in the SuperImposed. The same applies if a SuperImposed movement is already being executed and anabsolute movement is started, then the absolute position is not accessed but thesum of both values. After the SuperImposed movement has been finished, the absolute position isaccessed with the next absolute movement. Continuous operation can be selected via object 1111.8"C3Plus.Position_restposition_mode" <> 0; setpoint value and actual value arethen set to 0 before each positioning. You can optimize the motion profile data with the "ProfilViewer" (see page 150)software tool!