Parker EME Motion control192-121102 N04 June 2008 2015.7.3. Zero point shift caused by superimposed positioning(C3_ShiftPosition)FB name C3_ShiftPositionShifting the reference point, i.e. the zero point of the system is shifted by the stated relativedistance. The drive performs a physical movement which is, however, not displayed.The positioning being executed at that time is not interrupted by C3_ShiftPosition.Application: Slave reg synchronization.VAR_IN_OUTAxis INT Axis ID; constant: AXIS_REF_LocalAxisVAR_INPUTExecute BOOL Starts the sequences of the module with positive edgeDistance REAL Distance of the offset (configured unit [units] ) (positiveand negative direction) (see page Fehler!Textmarke nicht definiert.)Velocity REAL Value of the maximum speed difference (always positive)(not necessarily reached) [Units/s] (seepage Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)Acceleration DINT Value of acceleration (always positive) [units/s²] range> (see page Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.)Deceleration DINT The value of deceleration (always positive) [units/s²] (see page Fehler! Textmarke nichtdefiniert.)Jerk DINT Value of the acceleration jerk (see page 183) [Units/s³](always positive) (see page Fehler!Textmarke nicht definiert.)JerkDecel DINT Value of the deceleration jerk [units/s³] (always positive) (see page Fehler! Textmarke nichtdefiniert.)VAR_OUTPUTDone BOOL Relative distance was reachedBusy BOOL Shift is being executedCommandAborted BOOL Positioning abortedError BOOL Error while executing moduleNote: The values Distance, Velocity, Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk JerkDecel are noabsolute values, they are added to the current movement. In the PLCopen "Standstill" state, the axis performs a relative movement, duringwhich the axis moves, but the displayed position is not changed. In the PLCopen "Discrete Motion" state, the speed and the position of the activemovement are superimposed, but the displayed speed and position are notchanged. In the case of a stop command on the axis, the current movement is interruptedas well as the shift. C3_ShiftPosition does not interrupt any active command. This module cannot be operated with MC_MoveSuperImposed and MC_Phasingat a time. The position of the module in the structure image (see page 412).