Parker EME Motion control192-121102 N04 June 2008 2575.10.7.2 Exiting the active curve with coupling movement (C3_CamOut)In this chapter you can read about:Direct decoupling (CouplingMode = 0) ............................................................................ 258Quadratic decoupling (CouplingMode = 1) ...................................................................... 259Decoupling with change-over function (CouplingMode = 2) ............................................ 260FB name C3_CamOutDecouple the active curve with adjustable coupling movementVAR_IN_OUTMaster INT Axis ID; constant: AXIS_REF_LocalCamSlave INTVAR_INPUTExecute BOOL Activate the decoupling process with a positive edgeDecouplingMode INT 0 = decoupling without coupling movement, after themaster having traveled over the decoupling positionMA in positive direction.(MB and S0 not relevant)1 = decoupling via quadratic function;the master braking position (MB) is calculated2 = decoupling via changeover functionDecouplingPosition REAL Master decoupling position in Master units (MA)Value range: 0 ... MTBrakingPosition REAL Master braking position in master units (MB)(is taken into consideration with CouplingMode = 2with CouplingMode = 1, the braking position iscalculated).MB must be > than MA.Value range: 0 ... n*MTStandstillPosition REAL Slave standstill position in Slave units (S0)VAR_OUTPUTDone BOOL Decoupling completeInSync BOOL Wait for decoupling positionError BOOL Command abortedError in the cam operationEndOfProfile BOOL End of the curve cycle.Note: Decoupling is not possible during coupling. Master decoupling position (MA) and Master braking position (MB) With DecouplingMode 0: MA is taken into consideration, MB not relevant. With DecouplingMode 1: MA is taken into consideration; MB is calculated. With DecouplingMode 2: MA is taken into consideration; MB is taken intoconsideration. The Slave standstill position is not taken into consideration with DecouplingMode= 0. With DecouplingMode =1 the curve must be constantly rising at the Masterdecoupling position (MA). if the master runs backwards after the beginning of the decoupling movement, thecurve is accessed again after reaching the decoupling position. With changeover, the decoupling function depends on the current curve. The relevant master position for ecoupling position and braking position is object3030.24. In the event of error message 0xFFE2: Error in the IEC61131-3 programsequence. Function module was called with incorrect parameters.DecouplingMode=2 and BrakingPosition <= DecouplingPosition