14Color menu:v &RORU0HQXDOORZ\RXWRDGMXVW5*%Black Level, White Point, Color Calibration,and SmartImage (Please refer to SmartImagesection).v adjustment.v 5HIHUWREHORZWDEOHIRUVXEPHQXLWHPEDVHon your input.v ([DPSOHIRU&RORU&DOLEUDWLRQ1. 6KRZ0HVWDUWVFRORUFDOLEUDWLRQWXWRULDO2. Start - starts the 6-step color calibrationsequence.3. Quick View loads the before/after images.4. To return to Color home pane, click theCancel button.5. Enable color calibration - by default ison. If unchecked, does not allow for colorcalibration to happen, dimes out start andquick view buttons.6. 0XVWKDYHSDWHQWLQIRLQFDOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQ