50Horizontal flicker appearsv $GMXVWWKHLPDJHXVLQJWKHk$XWRyIXQFWLRQ LQ26'0DLQ&RQWUROVv (OLPLQDWHWKHYHUWLFDOEDUVXVLQJWKH3KDVH &ORFNRI6HWXSLQ26'0DLQ&RQWUROV,WLV YDOLGRQO\LQ9*$PRGHImage appears blurred, indistinct or too darkv $GMXVWWKHFRQWUDVWDQGEULJKWQHVVRQOn-Screen Display.An "after-image", "burn-in" or "ghost image"remains after the power has been turned off.v 8QLQWHUUXSWHGGLVSOD\RIVWLOORUVWDWLFLPDJHVover an extended period may cause " burnin", also known as "after-imaging " or "ghostimaging", on your screen. "Burn-in", "after-imaging", or "ghost imaging" is a well-known SKHQRPHQRQLQ0RQLWRUSDQHOWHFKQRORJ\,Qmost cases, the "burned in" or "after-imaging"or "ghost imaging" will disappear graduallyover a period of time after the power hasbeen switched off.v $OZD\VDFWLYDWHDPRYLQJVFUHHQVDYHUprogram when you leave your monitorunattended.v $OZD\VDFWLYDWHDSHULRGLFVFUHHQUHIUHVK DSSOLFDWLRQLI\RXU0RQLWRUZLOOGLVSOD\unchanging static content.v 6HYHUHyEXUQLQyRUkDIWHULPDJHyRUkJKRVWimage” symptoms will not disappear andcannot be repaired. The damage mentionedabove is not covered under your warranty.Image appears distorted. Text is fuzzy or blurred.v 6HWWKH3& VGLVSOD\UHVROXWLRQWRWKHVDPHmode as monitor’s recommended screennative resolution.Green, red, blue, dark, and white dots appears onthe screenv 7KHUHPDLQLQJGRWVDUHQRUPDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFof the liquid crystal used in today’stechnology, Please refer the pixel policy formore detail.The "power on" light is too strong and isdisturbingv power LED Setup in OSD main Controls.Audio problemNo soundv &KHFNLIDXGLRFDEOHLVFRQQHFWHGWR3&DQGmonitor correctly.v (QVXUHDXGLRLVQRWPXWHG3UHVV26' k0HQXyVHOHFWk$XGLRyWKHQk0XWHy&KHFNit on “Off ” position.v 3UHVVk9ROXPHyLQ26'PDLQFRQWUROWRadjust the volume.USB problemUSB peripherals are not workingv &KHFNLI86%XSVWUHDPFDEOHLVFRQQHFWHGto your monitor correctlyv 7XUQ\RXUPRQLWRU2))DQG21RQFHDJDLQ in your PC and ensure hub is active.v 5HFRQQHFW\RXU86%SHULSKHUDOV)RUIXUWKHUDVVLVWDQFHUHIHUWRWKH&RQVXPHUInformation Centers list and contact Philipscustomer service representative.