38What is excluded?7KH3KLOLSV)UVW&KRLFH:DUUDQW\DSSOLHVprovided the product is handled properly for itsintended use, in accordance with its operatinginstructions and upon presentation of theoriginal invoice or cash receipt, indicating thedate of purchase, dealer's name and model andproduction number of the product.7KH3KLOLSV)UVW&KRLFH:DUUDQW\PD\QRWDSSO\if:v 7KHGRFXPHQWVKDYHEHHQDOWHUHGLQDQ\ZD\or made illegible;v 7KHPRGHORUSURGXFWLRQQXPEHURQWKHproduct has been altered, deleted, removedor made illegible;v 5HSDLUVRUSURGXFWPRGLILFDWLRQVDQGalterations have been executed byunauthorized service organizations orpersons;v 'DPDJHLVFDXVHGE\DFFLGHQWVLQFOXGLQJEXWnot limited to lightning, water or fire, misuseor neglect;v 5HFHSWLRQSUREOHPVFDXVHGE\VLJQDOconditions or cable or antenna systemsoutside the unit;v 'HIHFWVFDXVHGE\DEXVHRUPLVXVHRIWKHmonitor;v 3URGXFWUHTXLUHVPRGLILFDWLRQRUDGDSWDWLRQto enable it to comply with local or nationaltechnical standards, which apply in countriesfor which the product was not originallydesigned, manufactured, approved and/orauthorized. Therefore always check whethera product can be used in a specific country.v 1RWHWKDWSURGXFWVWKDWDUHQRWRULJLQDOO\designed, manufactured, approved and/or DXWKRUL]HGIRUXVDJHZLWKLQWKH3KLOLSV)UVWChoice countries, do not apply to the Philips )UVW&KRLFH:DUUDQW\,QWKHVHFDVHVWKHPhilips global warranty terms are valid.Just a click awayIn case of any problems, we advise you to readthe operating instructions carefully or go to thewww.philips.com/support website for additionalsupport.Just a phone call awayIn order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience,we advise you to read the operating instructionscarefully or go to the www.philips.com/supportwebsite for additional support before contactingthe Philips helpdesk.To solve your problem quickly, please preparethe following details before contacting the Philipshelpdesk:v 3KLOLSVW\SHQXPEHUv 3KLOLSVVHULDOQXPEHUv 3XUFKDVHGDWH FRS\RISXUFKDVHPD\EHrequired)v 3&HQYLURQPHQW3URFHVVRUo CUP and Graphic card name and driverversiono Operating systemo $SSOLFDWLRQEHLQJXVHGv 2WKHUFDUGVLQVWDOOHGHaving the following information available will alsohelp speed up the process:v purchase, dealer name, model and productserial number.v 7KHIXOODGGUHVVWRZKLFKWKHIDXOW\PRQLWRUhas to be collected and the swap modelshould be delivered.Philips' customer help desks are locatedZRUOGZLGH&OLFNKHUHWRDFFHVVWKH)UVW&KRLFHContact Information.Or you can reach us via:Website: http://www.philips.com/support