32v (& /RZ9ROWDJH'LUHFWLYH v (& (0&'LUHFWLYH v (& (X3'LUHFWLYH(&1R1275/2008 mplementing Directive forStandby and Off mode power consumption)and is produced by a manufacturingorganization on ISO9000 level.The product also comply with the followingstandardsv ,62 (UJRQRPLFUHTXLUHPHQW $QDO\VLVDQGFRPSOLDQFHWHVWPHWKRGVIRUelectronic visual displays)v *6(. *6PDUNUHTXLUHPHQW v SU(1 /RZ)UHTXHQF\(OHFWULF DQG0DJQHWLFILHOGVIRU9LVXDO'LVSOD\ v 035,, 035/RZ)UHTXHQF\ (OHFWULFDQG0DJQHWLFILHOGV v 7&2'LVSOD\V 5HTXLUHPHQWIRUEnvironment Labeling of Ergonomics,Energy, Ecology and Emission, TCO: SwedishConfederation of Professional Employees)for TCO versionsThis monitor is equipped with a function for savingHQHUJ\ZKLFKVXSSRUWVWKH9(6$'LVSOD\3RZHU0DQDJHPHQW '30 VWDQGDUG7KLVPHDQVWKDWWKHmonitor must be connected to a computer whichVXSSRUWV9(6$'307LPHVHWWLQJVDUHDGMXVWHGfrom the system unit by software.9(6$6WDWH LED Indicator PowerConsumptionNormaloperation 21 $FWLYH White < 24.5 W (typ.)Power Saving$OWHUQDWLYHOne stepSleepSwitch OffWhite BlinkingOff< 0.5 W (typ.)k7KH(3($7 (OHFWURQLF3URGXFW(QYLURQPHQWDO$VVHVVPHQW7RRO program evaluates computerdesktops, laptops, and monitorsbased on 51 environmental criteriadeveloped through an extensivestakeholder consensus processVXSSRUWHGE\86(3$(3($7V\VWHPKHOSVSXUFKDVHUVin the public and private sectorsevaluate, compare and selectdesktop computers, notebooks and monitorsEDVHGRQWKHLUHQYLURQPHQWDODWWULEXWHV(3($7also provides a clear and consistent set ofperformance criteria for the design of products,and provides an opportunity for manufacturers tosecure market recognition for efforts to reducethe environmental impact of its products.”%HQHILWVRI(3($7Reduce use of primary materialsReduce use of toxic materials$YRLGWKHGLVSRVDORIKD]DUGRXVZDVWH(3($7 6requirement that all registered products meet(1(5*<67$5 VHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\VSHFLILFDWLRQVmeans that these products will consume lessenergy throughout their life.CE Declaration of ConformityThis product is in conformity with the followingstandardsv (1 6DIHW\UHTXLUHPHQWRIInformation Technology Equipment)v (1 5DGLR'LVWXUEDQFHrequirement of Information TechnologyEquipment)v (1$$(Immunity requirement of InformationTechnology Equipment)v (1 /LPLWVIRU+DUPRQLFCurrent Emission)v (1$$ /LPLWDWLRQRI9ROWDJH)OXFWXDWLRQDQG)OLFNHUfollowing provisions of directives applicableEPEAT(www.epeat.net)$VDQ(1(5*<67$5® Partner,we have determined that thisSURGXFWPHHWVWKH(1(5*<67$5®guidelines for energy efficiency.NoteWe recommend you switch off the monitorwhen it is not in use for a long time.Energy Star Declaration(www.energystar.gov)