16To enable Theft Deterrence, clicking Enable TheftDeterrence 0RGHEXWWRQEULQJVXSWKHIROORZLQJscreen:v User can enter PIN between 4 and 9 digitsnumbers only.v $IWHUHQWHULQJ3,1$FFHSWEXWWRQWDNHVXVHUto the pop-up dialog box on the followingpage.v 0LQLPXPPLQXWHVVHWWR6OLGHUVHWWRE\default.v Does not require the display be attached toa different host to go into Theft Deterrencemode.$IWHUFUHDWLQJ3,1WKH7KHIW'HWHUUHQFHSDQHZLOOindicate Theft Deterrence Enabled and providePIN Options button:v Theft Deterrence Enabled is displayed.v Disable Theft Deterrence 0RGHRSHQVSDQHscreen on next page.v PIN Options button only available after usercreates PIN, button opens secure PIN website.Options>Preferences - Will only be activewhen selecting Preferences from the drop-downOptions menu. On a non-supported displaycapable of DDC/CI, only the Help and Optionstabs are available.v Displays current preference settings.v $FKHFNHGER[HQDEOHVWKHIHDWXUH7KHcheck box is a toggle.v (QDEOH&RQWH[W0HQXRQGHVNWRSLVFKHFNHG(On) by default. Enable Context menudisplays SmartControl Premium selectionsfor Select Preset and Tune Display in thedesktop right-click context menu. Disabledremoves SmartControl Premium from theright click context menu.v Enable Task Tray icon is checked (On) bydefault. Enable context menu shows the tasktray menu for SmartControl Premium$ULJKWclick on the task tray icon displays the menuoptions for Help, Technical Support. Check IRU8SJUDGH$ERXWDQG([LW:KHQ(QDEOHtask tray menu is disabled, the task tray iconwill only display EXIT.v Run at Startup is checked (On) by default.When disabled, SmartControl Premium willnot launch at start or be in the task tray. Theonly way to launch SmartControl Premium iseither from the desktop short cut or from the SURJUDPILOH$Q\SUHVHWVHWWRUXQDWVWDUWXSwill not load when this box is unchecked(Disabled).v Enable transparency mode (Windows 7,Vista, XP). Default is 0% Opaque.