19Task Tray Menu EnabledThe task tray menu can be displayed by right-clicking on the SmartControl Premium icon fromthe task tray. Left Click will launch the application.The task tray has five entries:v +HOS$FFHVVWR8VHU0DQXDOILOH2SHQ 8VHU0DQXDOILOHXVLQJWKHGHIDXOWEURZVHUwindow.v Technical Support - displays the tech supportpage.v Check for Update - takes the user to PDILanding and checks the user's version againstthe most current available.v $ERXW'LVSOD\VGHWDLOHGUHIHUHQFHinformation: product version, releaseinformation, and product name.v Exit - Close SmartControl PremiumTo run SmartControl Premium again eitherselect SmartControl Premium from Programmenu, double-click the desktop PC icon orrestart the system.Task Tray Menu DisabledWhen the Task Tray is disabled in the preferencefolder, only the EXIT selection is available. Tocompletely remove SmartControl Premiumfrom the task tray, disable Run at Startup in2SWLRQV!3UHIHUHQFHV