![Philips 201B2 User Manual Manual pdf 47 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5489669/6e5f4840804b7353109725ccc678e00047f.jpg)
45Your Philips F1rst Choice Warranty(USA)Thank you for purchasing this Philips monitor.$OO3KLOLSVPRQLWRUVDUHGHVLJQHGDQGmanufactured to high standards anddeliver high-quality performance, easeof use and ease of installation. Shouldyou encounter any difficulties whileinstalling or using this product, please contact3KLOLSVGLUHFWO\WREHQHILWIURP\RXU3KLOLSV)UVWChoice Warranty. This three-year service warrantyentitles you to a swap model on-site within 48hours of your call being received within the firstyear of purchase. If you have any problems withyour monitor within the second or third year ofpurchase, we will repair it after it has been sentto the service provider at your expense andreturned to you within five working days, free ofcharge.IsraelCompany: Eastronics LTD$GGUHVV5R]DQLV6W32%7HO$YLY61392 IsraelTel: 1-800-567000 call free in Israel; (972-50-8353722 after service hours until 20:00))D[E-mail: eastronics@eastronics.co.il6HUYLFHKRXUV6XQa7KXUVLIMITED WARRANTY (Computer Monitor)Click here to access the Warranty RegistrationCard.7KUHHRQ3DUWV2QH*Product will be exchanged with a new orrenewed to original specifications unit within twobusiness days for the first year. This product mustbe shipped in at your expense for service duringyears two and three.