315 Regulatory InformationLead-free ProductLead free display promotesenvironmentally sound recovery anddisposal of waste from electrical andelectronic equipment. Toxic substanceslike Lead has been eliminated and compliancewith European community’s stringent RoHsdirective mandating restrictions on hazardoussubstances in electrical and electronic equipmenthave been adhered to in order to make Philipsmonitors safe to use throughout its life cycle.TCO Displays 5.0 InformationCongratulations,Your display is designed for both youand the planet!This display carries the TCO Certifiedlabel. This ensures that the display isdesigned for minimal impact on theclimate and natural environment,while offering all the performance expectedfrom top of the line electronic products. TCOCertified is a third party verified program, whereevery product model is tested by an accreditedindependent test laboratory. TCO Certifiedrepresents one of the toughest certifications fordisplays worldwide.Some of the Usability features of the TCODisplays 5.0 requirements:Visual ErgonomicsGood visual ergonomics in order to improve theworking environment for the user and to reducesight and strain problems. Important parametersare:v/LJKWOHYHOVZLWKRXWFRORUWLQW8QLIRUPFRORUand luminance, Wide color gamutv&DOLEUDWHGFRORUWHPSHUDWXUHDQGJDPPDcurvev:LGHOXPLQDQFHOHYHO'DUNEODFNOHYHOV/RZmotion blurElectrical Safetyv 3URGXFWIXOILOOVULJRURXVVDIHW\VWDQGDUGVEmissionsv /RZDOWHUQDWLQJHOHFWULFDQGPDJQHWLFILHOGVemissionsv /RZDFRXVWLFQRLVHHPLVVLRQVSome of the Environmental features of theTCO Displays 5.0 requirements:v 7KHEUDQGRZQHUGHPRQVWUDWHVFRUSRUDWHsocial responsibility and has a certified HQYLURQPHQWDOPDQDJHPHQWV\VWHP (0$6RUISO 14001)v 9HU\ORZHQHUJ\FRQVXPSWLRQERWKLQRQDQGstandby modev 5HVWULFWLRQVRQFKORULQDWHGDQGEURPLQDWHGflame retardants, plasticizer and polymersv 5HVWULFWLRQVRQKHDY\PHWDOVVXFKDVFDGPLXPmercury and lead (RoHS compliance))RUGLVSOD\VZLWKJORVV\EH]HOVWKHXVHUVKRXOGconsider the placement of the display as the bezelmay cause disturbing reflections from surroundinglight and bright surfaces.