21Title Bar OptionsDesktop partition can be accessed from the titlebar of the active window. This provides a quickand easy way to manage the desktop as well assending any window to any partition withoutKDYLQJWRGUDJDQGGURS0RYHWKHFXUVRULQWRthe active window’s title bar to access the dropdown menu.Right Click MenuRight click on the Desktop Partition icon to viewthe drop down menu.1. Find Windows – In some cases, the user mayhave sent multiple windows to the same SDUWLWLRQ)LQG:LQGRZZLOOVKRZDOORSHQwindows and move the selected window tothe forefront.2. Desktop Partition – Desktop Partition showsthe current selected partition and allows theuser to quickly change to any of the partitionsshown in the drop down.NoteIf more than one display is attached, the user canselect the targeted display to change the partition.The highlighted icon represents the current activepartition.3. Identify Partition – Displays the outline gridon the desktop for the current partition.4. Align On/Align Off – Enables/disables thedrag and drop auto align feature.5. Exit – Closes Desktop Partition andDisplay Tune. To re-initialize, launchDisplay Tune from the start menu or short cuton the desktop.