46WHO IS COVERED?ZDUUDQW\VHUYLFH$VDOHVUHFHLSWRURWKHUdocument showing that you purchased theSURGXFWLVFRQVLGHUHGSURRIRISXUFKDVH$WWDFKLWto this owner's manual and keep both nearby.WHAT IS COVERED?Warranty coverage begins the day you buy yourSURGXFW)RUWKUHH\HDUVWKHUHDIWHUDOOSDUWVZLOOEHUHSDLUHGRUUHSODFHGDQGODERULVIUHH$IWHUWKUHHyears from the day of purchase, you pay for thereplacement or repair of all parts, and for all laborcharges.$OOSDUWVLQFOXGLQJUHSDLUHGDQGUHSODFHGSDUWVare covered only for the original warranty period.When the warranty on the original productexpires, the warranty on all replaced and repairedproducts and parts also expires.WHAT IS EXCLUDED?labor charges for installation or setup of theproduct, adjustment of customer controls onthe product, and installation or repair of antennasystems outside of the product.product repair and/or part replacement becauseof misuse, accident, unauthorized repair or othercause not within the control of Philips ConsumerElectronics.reception problems caused by signal conditions orcable or antenna systems outside the unit.a product that requires modification or adaptationto enable it to operate in any country otherthan the country for which it was designed,manufactured, approved and/or authorized, orrepair of products damaged by these modifications.incidental or consequential damages resultingfrom the product. (Some states do not allow theexclusion of incidental or consequential damages,so the above exclusion may not apply to you.This includes, but is not limited to, prerecordedmaterial, whether copyrighted or not copyrighted.)the model or production number on the producthas been altered, deleted, removed or madeillegible.Where IS SERVICE AVAILABLE?Warranty service is available in all countrieswhere the product is officially distributed byPhilips Consumer Electronics. In countries wherePhilips Consumer Electronics does not distributethe product, the local Philips service organizationwill attempt to provide service (although theremay be a delay if the appropriate spare parts andtechnical manual(s) are not readily available).Where CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION?)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFWWKH3KLOLSVCustomer Care Center by calling (877) 835-183886$FXVWRPHUVRQO\ RU Before Requesting Service...Please check your owner's manual beforeUHTXHVWLQJVHUYLFH$GMXVWPHQWVRIWKHFRQWUROVdiscussed there may save you a service call.72*(7:$55$17<6(59,&(,186$38(5725,&225869,5*,1,6/$1'6