53Q8: Can I change the color setting of mymonitor?Ans.:through OSD control as the followingprocedures,v Press "OK" to show the OSD (On ScreenDisplay) menuv 3UHVV'RZQ$UURZWRVHOHFWWKHRSWLRQ"Color" then press "OK" to enter colorsetting, there are three settings as below.1. Color Temperature; The six settingsare 5000K, 6500K, 7500K, 8200K, 9300Kand 11500K. With settings in the 5000Krange the panel appears ‘warm,' with ared-white color tone, while a 11500Ktemperature yields ‘cool, blue-whitetoning."2. sRGB; this is a standard setting forensuring correct exchange of colorsbetween different device (e.g. digitalcameras, monitors, printers, scanners,etc)3. User Define; the user can choosehis/her preference color setting byadjusting red, green blue color.Note: $PHDVXUHPHQWRIWKHFRORURIOLJKWradiated by an object while it is being heated.This measurement is expressed in terms ofabsolute scale, (degrees Kelvin). Lower Kevintemperatures such as 2004K are red; highertemperatures such as 9300K are blue.Neutral temperature is white, at 6504K.Q9: Can I connect my Monitor to any PC,workstation or Mac?Ans.: FRPSDWLEOHZLWKVWDQGDUG3&V0DFVDQG ZRUNVWDWLRQV WRFRQQHFWWKHPRQLWRUWR\RXU0DFsystem. Please contact your Philips salesrepresentative for more information.Q10: Are Philips MonitorsPlug-and- Play?Ans.:compatible with Windows 7/Vista/XP/NT, 0DF26;/LQX[Q11: What kind of wide-angle technologyis available?Ans.: Currently, the IPS type panels offer the EHVW&RQWUDVW5DWLRFRPSDUHGWR09$ RU39$WHFKQRORJLHV71SDQHOVKDYHimproved over the years, but IPS panel stillgives superior results over TN panel.