Hotel User Guide Basic Administration93. Enter your 4-digit staff code. The code is not displayed; insteadyou see ‘QQQQ’ in the display. (If you enter an incorrect code,you return to this display to re-enter the code.) Display shows:4. Enter the item code for the room. For example, this might be 02for a ‘Double’. (If the code you enter is not valid, you return tostep 1 to begin again.) Display shows:5. Enter the item (room) cost (e.g. £20.00 is entered as 020.00).If you selected the Express Check In option (XCHIN), theprocedure is now complete. Otherwise, you see the followingdisplay.If you want to change your item cost entry, select CHANGE at thisdisplay and re-enter the cost.If the entry is correct, select ACCEPT to enter the cost. Displayshows:6. If there is no cash deposit to enter, select CREDIT and go to step10.ORTo enter a cash deposit, select CASH.Enter Item CodeEnter Item Cost:XXX.XXRM:XXX :XXX.XXACCEPT CHANGECheck In RoomCREDIT CASH