Hotel User Guide Basic Administration32BOOTH OPTION FOR PHONE CALLSLike remote billing (above), the Booth option allows guests to makeexternal calls from another phone and have the cost charged to theirroom number. In this case, a phone is ‘enabled’ as a booth phoneand all subsequent calls are charged to the room number requestingthe service.PROCEDUREA guest requests the use of a booth phone and to have the callcosts charged to their room. On the Administrator’s phone:1. Press the BOOTH key. Display shows:Enter boothnumber:2. Enter the booth phone number (e.g. 200). Display shows:[200]BOOTH:DISENABLE DISABLE3. Select ENABLE. Display shows:Enter RoomNUMBER:4. Enter the room number (e.g. 101). Display shows:CHARGE TO ROOM[101] OK5. Select OK to confirm the charge to the room.