Hotel User Guide Troubleshooting49œ TROUBLESHOOTINGWhen entering information via keyphones you may encounter an er-ror message or the system may appear to ignore your entry. Themost common problems, and their likely solutions, are listed below.If the problem persists, check with your system manager, who mayneed to seek advice from the system installer/dealer.“Access Denied” MessageIf you dial an extension and see this message on your display, itmeans that your keyphone is denied from ringing that extension bythe system. If you require access to this extension from your key-phone, ask your system manager who will need to program the sys-tem to allow this.“Invalid Number” MessageThis indicates that you have entered a number not recognised by thesystem, or which is already reserved by the system for other uses.For example, make sure you enter a valid room number, staff codeor item code. In some cases you may re-enter the correct code; inothers you may need to start the entry sequence from the beginning.You Cannot Check In a RoomIf you cannot check in a room, you normally see a message saying“Not Available.” Check its status. This can be done using the HOTELkey or the RSV key(s). The room may already be occupied. Alterna-tively, if it has been checked out, the ‘needs cleaning’ or ‘needsmaintenance’ flag has not been manually changed to indicate thatthe room is again available for checking in.See Room Status: Viewing and Changing in section 2, Basic Ad-ministration, or see section 3, Using the HOTEL Key.