Hotel User Guide Basic Administration28ROOM STATUS: VIEWING ANDCHANGINGThe status of a room shows whether the room:• is available for checking in;• is occupied;• is on hold;• is clean or needs cleaning;• needs repairs or has had repairs carried out.The status of a room is indicated by a status ‘flag’: a value set auto-matically by the system which changes when guests are checked inand out and rooms are cleaned or repaired. The flags are set as fol-lows:Value Status0 Room available1 Room occupied2 Room needs cleaning3 Room needs maintenance4 Room is on holdNOTE: A guest-room can also be set as a ‘smoking’ or a ‘no smoking’ room. Thiscan only be changed by reprogramming the system, as described in the SamsungHotel Installation & Programming Manual.• A guest can only be checked in to a room if it is set as ‘Avail-able’. When the check-in procedure is complete, the room statusautomatically changes to ‘Occupied’.• At a specified time each day, the ‘Needs Cleaning’ flag for theroom is automatically set by a system timer. The ‘Needs Clean-ing’ flag may also be automatically set when a guest is checkedout, depending on system programming. A room cannot bechecked in again until the room status shows the room is clean.