272MagicInfo Premium S1212 MagicInfo Premium S12.7 When Content is Running12.7.1 Viewing the details of the content that is runningThe displayed image may differ depending on the model.Press the INFO button on the remote control. Software Version: Displays the software version of a device Device Name: Displays the name of a device recognized by the server Device ID: Displays the original identification number of a device Mode: Displays the current operating mode (Network Schedule, Local Schedule, TemplatePlayer, Internal AutoPlay or USB AutoPlay) of MagicInfo Premium S Player Server: Displays the connection status (Connected, Disconnected or Non-approval) of the server USB: Displays the connection status of a USB device Schedule download: Displays the progress of a network schedule being downloaded from theserverInformation: A-LUBXGDSP-0100.9: Monitor: FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF: Local schedule: Disconnected: Connected: No Schedule to downloadSoftware VersionDevice NameDevice IDModeServerUSBSchedule downloadClose