User guide Specifications114Printing paper Recycling paper made of 100% waste paper (to DIN 19309) can be processed.Set of forms Sets of forms may be used only if the top edge is bound.The binding edge should be as soft as possible. A wavybinding edge may hamper the smooth feeding of thesesets. Multi-part forms have to be inserted with the gluedtop facing down. Multi-part forms should be tested for sui-tability.Paper quality Light pulp paper of medium fine quality, paper bearing thequality mark SM Post and photocopy paper are suitable foruse. Unsuitable are: satin-finisch or coated papers, imita-tion art papers, and embossed papers.Since paper as natural material reacts strongly to environ-mental influences (e.g. humidity, temperature), the place ofstorage should be selected carefully. We recommend thatthis kind of paper should be tested extensively before lar-ger quantities are acquired.Coloured paper Should papers with a dark reverse side be used, theseshould also be tested for their functionality. Please payattention to the use of infrared reflecting colors, whenacquiring these papers.