78 Call forwardingUsing call forwardingThe following functions are available for activating and deactivating call forward-ing and configuring it in accordance with your requirements:• ”Activate or deactivate immediate forwarding” Page 78• ”Saving destination phone numbers for call forwarding” Page 85• ”Edit favorites” Page 79• ”Copy and insert destination phone numbers” Page 80• ”Assign a destination phone number for call forwarding” Page 80• ”Activate/deactivate call forwarding” Page 81• ”Defining the ring duration before call forwarding on no reply” Page 82Activate or deactivate immediate forwardingr Press the key shown.Deactivating call forwardingIf call forwarding was activated for Unconditional, it will now be automatically de-activated.or Activate forwarding to last destination.The pop-up menu opens:The message:"Set forward on to" is displayed with the number of the last forwarding destina-tion and you have the following options:• Accept• Set a forwarding destination• Edit call forwarding• CancelUse last forwarding destinationSelect and confirm the option to use the last saved destination for Unconditionalagain. Call forwarding to this destination is immediately activated for Unconditi-onal and the key r illuminates.or Activate with variable destination phone numbersIf you want to use a new forwarding destination:Select and confirm the option shown.j Enter and confirm the new destination phone number. or Confirm the last destination phone number saved (it will be displayed).Call forwarding to this destination is immediately activated for Unconditional andthe key r illuminates.AcceptSet a forwarding destination