Operating Instructions H37i44RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TOWINGWhen equipped with a factory installed hitch orfactory authorized hitch kit, the maximum towingcapacity on flat ground is 250 lbs (113 kg) grosstrailer weight. The maximum tongue weight is 50lbs (23 kg). Use caution when towing onslopes, rough terrain or when conditions limittraction.● Do not operate on slopes greater than 5degrees (9%).● Do not tow with PTO clutch or mower bladesengaged.● Do not allow people to ride in or on towedtrailers.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TILT-UPDECK OPERATION/TRANSPORTTo avoid potential deck and/or tractor damagewhile using the tilt-up deck, the followingrecommendations are offered:● Do not move the tractor with the deck in thetilt-up position since both the roller wheels (onthe back of the deck) may be damaged bymoving the tractor. The tilt-up configurationshould only be used when the tractor isparked.● The tractor body should never be tiltedforward with the deck in the tilt-up position.This can cause the deck to unhook from thetractor and fall with considerable force, poten-tially causing deck or tractor damage and/orbodily injury.● When transporting a tractor with the deck inthe tilt-up position (on a truck or trailer), thedeck should be secured to the vehicle with astrap or rope (stop vertical movement). Thiswill prevent the deck from bouncing on the rearroller wheels (causing breakage). This willalso prevent the deck from unhooking from thetractor and falling, potentially causing deck ortractor damage. Damage to other itemsparked in front of the deck may also occur.