76Maintenance Instructions H37iAdjustmentsStep 2 - Blade Brake Band AdjustmentAfter the maximum pulley travel is set, adjust theworking travel of the clutch idler pulley by adjustingthe brake band nut and make the following adjust-ment as needed:1. Adjust the blade brake band, using the adjust-ment nut until pulley travel is approximately5/8 in. to 3/4 in. (16 mm to 19 mm) from en-gaged to disengaged.NOTE: As blade brake band/drum wears,pulley travel will increase and it will be neces-sary to adjust the blade brake band nut tomaintain these dimensions.CLUTCH DISENGAGEDCLUTCH ENGAGED5/8 in. to 3/4 in.(16 mm to 19 mm)Clutch Idler Pulley Travel AdjustmentBlade BrakeBandBlade BrakeBand Adjustment NutChassis Mount(Ref)Blade Brake Band Adjustment2. After adjustments are complete, check bladebrake action as described in Blade BrakeAction on page 62. If blades do not stopwithin five (5) seconds, check the following:a. Make sure clutch and brake linkage areworking freely (no binding).b. Check the brake band lining for wear.c. Check the brake drum on the pulley. Ifexcessive wear is present, it will be neces-sary to replace worn parts.