< cut top 2" cut 1">DIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIOperator Guide I-11Table I-5Font CommandsSyntax Name # ValueEsc &p#X[transparent data]Transparent Data Number of bytes of transparentdata. (The brackets are not to betyped in.) 0 through 32767Esc &d#D Underline 0 fixed underline3 floating underlineEsc &d@ Underline OffEsc *c#D Font ID ID number ranging from 0 toEsc *c#F Font Control 0 Delete all soft fonts1 Delete all temporary softfonts2 Delete downloaded fontspecified by last font IDcommand3 Delete character code4 Make downloaded font specifiedby last font ID commandtemporary5 Make downloaded font specifiedContinuedXEROX 4219/MRP Mid Range Systems PrinterXEROX 4215/MRP Mid Range Systems Printer