< cut top 2" cut 1">DIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII2-26Using the Control Panelnew characters. The execution of a print jobis determined by which port polling scheme isselected. The four port polling schemes are:F Sequential--this scheme assigns no priorityto any port and executes the first print jobreceived from any enabled port and thenadvances to the next enabled port in thesequence. The sequential polling is:Parallel, Serial, AppleTalk, Other I/O, andthen back to Parallel. *Sequential is thefactory default.F Priority--this scheme allows you to assign ahigh priority to one enabled port (Parallel,AppleTalk, Serial, or Other I/O). All otherports have the same lower priority. If newjobs are received from the priority portbefore the jobs on the other ports havebegun executing, the port with the highpriority gets its print jobs printed firstand bumps other jobs with lower priorityports down the queue.XEROX 4219/MRP Mid Range Systems PrinterXEROX 4215/MRP Mid Range Systems Printer