< cut top 2" cut 1">DIIIIIIIIHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIndex-5Upper, Mid, Lower,tray out D-29Waiting 4-3, D-29see also Error LogError Log 4-1, 4-21Example 4-45, D-6Printing the report 4-46,Fixed disk drive 1-6, E-1 to E-2Ordering E-3, E-13see also Hardware Status ReportFlow control 2-30, 2-39Font commands I-8 to I-12Font control command I-11Font descriptor command I-12Font ID command I-11Font module 1-6Ordering E-1 to E-2, E-12Font Report 4-1, 4-21Example 4-22 to 4-34Printing the report 4-35Reading the report 4-36 to 4-42FontsBit-mapped 4-36, 4-39, I-27Characteristics 4-37Default setting for PCL 5 2-22 to2-23,2-38, 2-45 to 2-46, 4-39Definition 4-36Downloaded 4-40 to 4-42IBM 3816 equivalent fonts 1-1,4-40 to 4-42Resident 1-1, 4-38 to 4-39Scalable 4-36, 4-38 to 4-39Selecting 4-2, 4-36, 4-37Storage 4-42Font selection by ID command I-12XEROX 4219/MRP Mid Range Systems PrinterXEROX 4215/MRP Mid Range Systems Printer