106 Chapter 4 Basic Machine OperationsSplit DrawingIt is possible to fragment images that exceed 1,189 mm in length for output purposes.It is also possible to add marks for positioning purposes on each fragment. A maximumof 30 fragmentations are possible.Settings The settings for this function are as follows.Menu Item DescriptionSplit drawingmodeSet to either [Do not split] or [Split].The default setting is [Do not split].Split length Sets the width of fragmentation printing within a range of 1,189to 15,000 mm.The default settings is [1,189 mm].Page numberprintingSets whether or not a page number is to be printed.The page number will be printed in the format of [present page/number total number of pages].The default setting is [Off].Paper margin Sets the margin for the areas where the pages are joined withina range of 0 to 90 mm.The default setting is [0 mm].Alignment markprintingSets whether or not to print positioning marks. The defaultsetting is [OFF].1/32/33/3Fragmentlength Fragmentlength