2118.4 Loading Media Manually8.4 Loading Media Manually[Operations]1 Adjust the (MSI) Multi Sheet Inserter/ManualFeed Unit's side guide to fit the size of the mediathat is to be printed.2 Place the side of the media to be copied facingupwards, and align it with the (MSI) Multi SheetInserter/Manual Feed Unit's side guide.3 Push the front edge of the media as far back as itcan go. The startup sound of the machineoperation is heard.• The optional (MSI) Multi SheetI n s e r t e r / M a n u a l F e e d U n i t i srequired when making manually fedcopies.• Standard paper having the width of297 to 914 mm and the length of 210to 2,000 mm can be used if the(MSI) Multi Sheet Inserter/ManualFeed Unit is installed.Two or more sheets of A3 (horizontalfeed) and A4 (horizontal/vertical feed)size paper can be set. Paper sizesother than A3 (horizontal feed) andA4 (horizontal/vertical feed) sizes canonly be set one sheet at a time.Only Bond paper can be used in the(MSI) Multi Sheet Inserter/ManualFeed Unit.