252.2 Operation from the Printer Control PanelSETUP FILESets up logical printers. It is possible to set all parameters required for printing, such aspen width and output paper size.SYSTEM PARAMETERSets up the system's management information, such as the system date and hard diskusage conditions.PORT SETTINGSets up the communication parameters required for connecting to the host machine.TEST PLOTPrints out test patterns.JOB LOGGINGPrints out management logs for completed jobs and details of the errors that occurredduring processing.OFFLINE PLOTReprints the most recently printed job.BILLING INFODisplays the number of pages printed and the number of stamps printed up until now.Refer to "5.2 Setting up Logical Printers" for logical printer details and operations(page 129).Refer to "3.2 Setting up the System Parameters" for logical printer details andoperations (page 52).Refer to "3.1 Setting up Communication Parameters" for logical printer details andoperations (page 52).Refer to "5.3 Test Printing" for logical printer details and operations (page 154).Refer to "5.4 Managing the Various Logs" for logical printer details and operations(page 155).Refer to "5.5 Reprinting" for logical printer details and operations (page 159).Refer to "5.6 Meter Confirmation" for logical printer details and operations (page160).