253Appendix 3 HP-RTL Command ListAssign Color IndexNumberESC * v # i|I Assigns a defined RGB parameter to anindex number.Index NumberPush/Pop Palette ESC * p # P Saves and restores palette information. IgnoredStart Raster Graphics ESC * r # a|A Sets the controller to the raster mode andsets the start position and left margin of agraphic image.End Raster Graphics ESC * r C Indicates the end of raster graphic imagetransfer.Transfer Raster Databy PlaneESC * b #V[data]Transfer's the data of a specified byte.However, the CAP does not move to thenext raster position.The plane pointer is updated but the rowpointer is not.Data skippedTransfer Raster Databy Row/BlockESC * b #W[data]Transfer's the data of a specified byte as aline or as a block by the currentcompression method.Set CompressionMethodESC * b # m|M Determines the compression method.Source Raster Width ESC * r # s|S Indicates the image width of succeedingraster data.Source Raster Height ESC * r # t|T Indicates the source raster image height ofsucceeding raster data.Move CAPHorizontal(Decipoint)ESC & a # h|H Moves the CAP horizontally by a specifieddecipoint (1/720 inch).Move CAPHorizontalESC * p # x|X Moves the CAP horizontally by a specifiedvalue in Versatec resolution inch units.Move CAP Vertical ESC * p # y|Y Moves the CAP vertically by a specifiedvalue in Versatec resolution inch units.Y Offset ESC * b # y|Y Moves the CAP vertically by specifiedpixel rows.Destination RasterWidthESC * t # h|H Defines the raster output width forsucceeding Start Graphic command bydecipoint (1/720 inch).Destination RasterHeightESC * t # v|V Defines the raster output height forsucceeding Start Graphic command bydecipoint (1/720 inch).Command name Command Command Meaning and function Limit