228 Chapter 12 Clearing Paper Jams12.3 Jams in the Feeder (Roll Paper)Paper jams in the roll paper feeder are caused by incorrect paper loading methods anddefects in the paper feeding mechanism. Reload the paper in the feeder in accordancewith the following procedure.[Operations]1 Open the media tray.2 Rewind the paper onto the roll on which the jamhas occurred by rotating it towards you. Cut theleading edge of the paper into a straight linewith the cutter or a pair of scissors if it is foldedor damaged in any other way.Cut the leading edge of the paper and reload it inplace if it is damaged. Refer to "Chapter 7Leading Edge Cutting Methods" for instructionson how to do this.3 Rotate the paper roll until the leading edge isgripped in the roller.Avoid damaging the paper.