C o n t r o l P a n e l M e s s a g e sC h a p t e r 6 : T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g v 6-9Disk Format Bad The hard disk high level format (FAT table) cannot be understood. This is NOTbecause a new disk has been installed.ACTION: Either initialize the disk format procedure by pressing Up , or abortthe procedure by pressing Down .This message flashes alternately with the two-line message:Press ↑ to InitPress ↓ to AbortDisk Not In Use A failure of the hard disk has occurred and been acknowledged. Printing resumeswithout use of the hard disk.ACTION: Make sure the hard disk is properly seated on the controller board. Ifthe problem remains, contact your dealer or Xerox/Rank Xerox.Disk Read Error The printer cannot read data from the hard disk.ACTION: Try powering the printer OFF then ON again. Make sure the hard diskis properly seated on the controller board. If the problem remains,contact your dealer or Xerox/Rank Xerox.Disk Write Error The printer cannot write data to the hard disk.ACTION: Press Enter . The printer will mark the disk sector as bad and retrythe write operation at another location on the disk. Make sure thehard disk is properly seated on the controller board. If the problemremains, contact your dealer or Xerox/Rank Xerox.Duplex Unit Fail The Duplex Module has failed. Duplex (two-sided) printing cannot continue. Youcan, however, still print simplex (single-sided) prints.ACTION: Remove and reinstall the Duplex Module following the instructions inAppendix C: Installing and Removing Printer Options. If it still fails,contact your dealer or Xerox/Rank Xerox.Enter Password>> xxxxThe bin unlock button has been pressed on the Mailbox/Collator and a passwordhas been enabled.ACTION: Enter the password for the bin or collator that you wish to open.This message can also occur while enabling or disabling a password for a bin orthe collator.ACTION: Enter the password used last time that bin or collator had its passwordenabled (or the factory default password the first time). Then you willbe allowed to proceed with enabling or disabling the password.Table 6.2 Control Panel messages (continued)Message Description/Corrective ActionTable 6.2 Page 4 of 22hapter6.frm Page 9 Friday, July 11, 1997 8:19 PM