HIP PRINTING TASKSXEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS OPERATOR GUIDE 7-7HIP jobs statusUse this task to display a list of the jobs in the HIP job queue.HIP Jobs Status task Enter the following command:HIP SHOW JOBS [parameter]This command displays the current status of the selected jobs in theHIP jobs queue as well as the current status of the HIP processor.The format of the display depends on the parameter.Table 7-2 lists each parameter and its description.Table 7-2. HIP SHOW JOBS command parameters anddescriptionsParameter DescriptionABORTED Display all jobs that have been aborted.ACTIVE Display all jobs in the active state: QUEUED,ACTIVE, OQUEUED, or PRINTING.ALL Display all jobs in all queues.CANCELLED Display all jobs that have been cancelled.COMPLETED Display jobs in a completed state: PRINTED,STORED, SEND, or ABORTED.CONTINUE Continue a previously requested display if alljobs in the queue were not displayed.PAGE[n] Divide the queue up to 20 jobs, which areordered from the oldest completed job to newestcompleted job received.PENDING Display all jobs in the pending state: PENDINGor RECEIVING (but not submitted to the OCS).PRINTED Display the jobs in the printed state: PRINTED orTRUNCATED.SENT Display all files that have been sent to the host.STORED Display all files that have been stored by thehost.SUMMARY Display a summary of the job queue. (See figure7-1.)