FILE CONTROL TASKS9-6 XEROX DOCUPRINT 96/DOCUPRINT 96MX LPS OPERATOR GUIDENote: If the LPS has only a 1/4 inch cartridge, then the sysgenassigns it to TD0 which is associated with the keyword TAPE. Thisassignment can be changed to CARTRIDGE with the SUBSTITUTEDEVICE command.Use the COPY TAPE WRITE LABEL ALL command only to save filesfor later restoration on a Xerox DocuPrint 96/DocuPrint 96MX LPSrunning the same OSS version so that the user files (.FSL, .JSL,.FNT, .FRM, .JDL, and .PDE files) are not corrupted. Use the COPYTAPE READ LABELfile-type command to restore user files savedwith the COPY TAPE WRITE LABEL ALL command.Example COPY TAPE LABEL OCRA.FNTSearching for file OCRA.FNTCreating file OCRA.FNT(if the file is a new file and does not exist on the disk)REPLACING FILE OCRA.FNT(if the file already exists on disk and is overwritten)The preceding command finds and copies the file OCRA from thetape to disk. Its disk file name is OCRA, and it is cataloged in the FNTfile directory. If another file exists on this tape (after the one justcopied), the command, COPY TAPE LABEL NEXT copies the nextfile from tape and stores it in afile-name.file-type as specified in thetape label information.The command, COPY TAPE [LABEL] ALL copies all the files fromthe Xerox-labeled tape, stores them with the same file name as ontape and catalogs them by file type. After copying the files from anLPS-labeled file tape to disk, use the TAPE REWIND or TAPEUNLOAD command to rewind the tape.COPY (unlabeled tape to disk)Use this command syntax to copy files from an unlabeled tape todisk.Syntax 2 COPY [TAPE | CARTRIDGE | TDn][ READ] [EBCDIC | ASCII][disk-id]file-id