14 FT-817ND Operating ManualSPLPress the key to activateSplit frequency operation be-tween VFO-A and VFO-B.TAGPress the key to selectthe display type (Frequencyor Alpha-numeric Tag) duringMemory operation.PMSPress the key to activatethe Programmable MemoryScan feature.TONPress the key to activateCTCSS or DCS operation.Press and hold in the keyfor 1/2 second to recall Menu#48 (for selecting the CTCSStone frequency).DWPress the key to activatethe Dual Watch system.ARTPress the key to initiatethe Auto-Range Transpondermode.Press and hold in the keyfor 1/2 second to recall Menu#09 (for selecting the ARTS“Beep” option).NARPress the key to activatethe “Narrow” filter mode in theCW (optional YF-122C or YF-122CN required) or SSB (op-tional YF-122S required)mode. On the FM mode, italso selects the low-deviationmode required for HF FM op-eration on 29 MHz.Press and hold in the keyfor 1/2 second to recall Menu#38 (to Enable/Disable theoptional filter during installa-tion).A/BPress the key to switchbetween VFO-A and VFO-Bon the display.MWPress and hold in the keyfor 1/2 second to transfer thecontents of the VFO into aMemory register.STOPress the key to storethe contents of the VFO intothe QMB (Quick MemoryBank) register.RPTPress the key to selectthe direction of the uplink fre-quency shift (“–,” “+,” or Sim-plex) during FM repeater op-eration.Press and hold in the keyfor 1/2 second to recall Menu#42 (for setting the shift fre-quency offset).SCNPress the key to initiatescanning (in the direction ofhigher frequencies).SSMPress the key to activatethe Spectrum Scope Monitorfeature.Press and hold in the keyfor 1/2 second to recall Menu#43 (for selecting the SSMsweep mode).IPOPress the key to bypassthe receiver preamplifier,thereby activating InterceptPoint Optimization for im-proved overload characteris-tics.The IPO feature does notfunction on 144/430 MHz.A=BPress and hold in the keyfor ½ second to copy the con-tents of VFO-A into the VFO-B register, so that the twoVFOs’ contents will be identi-cal.MCPress the key to desig-nate the current Memorychannel to be “skipped” dur-ing scanning.RCLPress the key to recallthe QMB Memory.REVPress the key to reversethe transmit and receive fre-quencies while workingthrough a repeater.PRIPress the key to activatethe Priority Scan feature.SCHPress the key to activateSmart SearchTM operation.ATTPress the key to engagethe receiver front-end attenu-ator, which will reduce all sig-nals and noise by approxi-mately 10 dB.The ATT feature does notfunction on 144/430 MHz.Key Key1234567FRONT P ANEL C ONTROL & S WITCHES