49FT-817ND Operating ManualLABELING M EMORIESYou may wish to append an alpha-numeric “Tag” (label) to a memory or memories, to aid inrecollection of the channel’s intended use (such as a club name, etc.). This is easily accom-plished using the Menu mode.1. Recall the memory channel onto which you wish to appended a label.2. Press and hold in the key for one second to enter the Menu mode.3. Rotate the knob to recall Menu #35 (MEM TAG).4. Press the knob to enable the programming of the label.5. Rotate the knob to select the first character (number, letter, or symbol) in the nameyou with to store, then rotate the knob clockwise to move to the next character.6. Again rotate the knob to select the next number, letter, or symbol, then rotate theknob clockwise to move to the next character’s slot.7. Repeat step 6 as many times as necessary to complete the name tag for the memory, thenpress and hold in the key for one second to save the A/N (Alpha-Numeric) nameentry and exit to normal operation.During Memory operation, press the key momentarily, then ro-tate the knob, as needed, until Operating Function Row 2[MW, MC, TAG] appears on the display. Press the (TAG) keymomentarily to activate the alpha-numeric Tag. Repeatedly press-ing this key will toggle operation between “Frequency” display and“Tag” display.You can recall Menu #35 (MEM TAG) instantly by press-ing and holding in the (TAG) key for one second.[“Frequency” Display][“Tag” Display]MEMORY O PERATION