23FT-817ND Operating ManualCLARIFIER (RECEIVER I NCREMENTAL T UNING)The Clarifier (RIT) allows you to set an offset of up to ±9.99 kHz of the receive frequencyrelative to your transmit frequency. To achieve a wider offset than this, you may use the“Split” operating mode, described later.1. Press the switch momentarily to activatethe Clarifier function.2. Turn the knob, which allows the re-ceiver frequency to be varied over a range of9.99 kHz.3. When the receiving frequency is higher thantransmit frequency, the “ ” icon will appear at the right of thefrequency display. Similarly, when the receiving frequency islower than transmit frequency, the “ ” icon will appear at theright of the frequency display.4. When the receiving frequency is equal to transmit frequency(Clarifier offset is zero) while the Clarifier is activated, the “ ”icon will appear at the right of the frequency display.5. To turn the Clarifier off, again press the switch momen-tarily. When you turn the Clarifier back on, the offset previouslystored will still be applied.6. To reset the Clarifier offset to zero, turn the Clarifier off, thenturn the knob by any amount. The Clarifier will reset tozero after the first “step” of the knob.If you leave the Clarifier on, moving the knob will not cause the offset to becancelled.RECEIVER ACCESSORIES[TX<RX][TX>RX][TX=RX]