56 FT-817ND Operating ManualDUAL W ATCH O PERATIONDual Watch is similar, in some respects, to scanning. In Dual Watch, however, the trans-ceiver monitors (squelched) on the VFO-A frequency while periodically checking VFO-Bfor activity (or vice-versa). A typical example might be for you to set VFO-A to 50.110MHz, watching for DX stations who might call CQ on that frequency, while periodicallychecking 28.885 MHz for stations reporting band openings on 6 meters.To activate Dual Watch:1. Set up transmit and receive operation on VFO-A, establishing your primary monitoringfrequency. Set up the frequency to be checked periodically on VFO-B.2. Recall VFO-A, then rotate the control until the background noise is just si-lenced.3. Press the key momentarily, then rotate the knob, as needed, until OperatingFunction Row 5 [SCN, PRI, DW] appears on the display.4. Press the (DW) key momentarily to activate Dual Watch operation (the “DW” iconwill appear at the bottom left corner of the LCD.5. The transceiver will continue to monitor (squelched) on the current (VFO-A) frequency,but every five seconds will switch briefly to VFO-B frequency, looking for activity.6. If a station is detected on the VFO-B frequency, the transceiver will pause on the VFO-B frequency (the decimal point in the frequency will blink).7. Press the (DW) key again to cancel Dual Watch operation (the “DW” icon willdisappear).Note that pressing the PTT switch on the microphone does not cancel Dual Watchoperation.